So you’ve considered starting a Food Truck business but keep wondering whether conditions are right to launch your winning concept. Or perhaps you have been dabbling with recipes on the side and can’t yet convince yourself that it’s the right time to take the leap from the safety of your full-time job.
There’s always risk in starting a food truck, but the present is the best time to start. Starting a Food Truck business is similar to begining a relationship; the best time to start a mobile food business is when you have the time to devote all of your attention to it.
At the same time I won’t come out and say it’s a bad time to start a Food Truck part-time or starting a Food Truck when you are still working at a full-time job. The mix of vendors I’ve met over the years has shown me that people have different energy levels and different capabilities. No matter which route you take when starting a Food Truck business, you must be able to focus on it.
The biggest reason that now is the best time for starting a Food Truck business is that later almost never is. You can wait yourself into old age and regret, but you don’t need to. Even if your Food Truck business doesn’t work, it won’t be the end of your life. I’ve known quite a few vendors go through multiple food businesses before they find that one concept that works.
In many areas of the country, Food Truck vendors have become rock stars and starting a food truck is now in vogue. And because of that, the idea of starting your own mobile food business has become much more acceptable. The mobile food industry is on the march because, among other reasons, people now get that supporting food truck businesses is good business.
There once was a time when some starting a food truck was on their own. No longer. Today, there is an abundance of help available:
Organizations like SCORE, the SBA, SBDCs, non-profits, community colleges, and mentor programs all make food truck success much more viable.
Websites like United Food Truck, and scores of others, teach the small business skills a food truck vendor needs.
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And the help also comes on the financial side. Banks are lending again, crowdfunding for food trucks is coming into its own, and other creative solutions are available. Combined, this means that there is really a lot of help available for someone looking to start a food truck business today.
Now that I’ve gone through all that, there is a wrong time for starting a food truck business. That would be when you are experiencing a lot of stress in your life. If you are in the process of getting a divorce, or are moving. It’s wise to put off starting a food truck once your life is at a less stressful time.
Contact: Lacie Li
Phone: 0086 153 2482 7589
Add: Building 2, District C, Zhengdong Commercial Center, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China